
Department of Materials Science and Resource-saving Technologies

The Department of Materials Science and Resource-Saving Technologies (MiRT) was transformed from the Department of Engineering and Technical Training and has existed since 1990. The department is graduating in the specialty 1-36 01 04 – "Equipment and technologies of highly efficient material processing processes", specialization ‑ "Equipment and technologies for increasing wear resistance and restoring machine parts".

According to the list of disciplines assigned to the Department of MIRT, teachers of the department carry out training in 38 disciplines. Educational and scientific processes at the department are actively connected with production. Highly qualified specialists of industrial enterprises are involved to work as teaching staff in the management of course and diploma design. The teaching staff of the department constantly improves their professional qualifications through participation in scientific and technical symposiums and seminars, prepares for the publication of teaching aids and monographs.

At the Department of MIRT , training is conducted in:

1) master's degree in specialty

1-36.80.04 – "Processing of structural materials in mechanical engineering".

2) postgraduate studies in the following specialties

05.16.09 ‑ "Materials Science (mechanical engineering)"

05.17.06 ‑ "Technology and processing of polymer composites"

01.04.07 ‑ "Condensed matter physics (technical sciences)".

The educational load of the branch of the department includes the management of course papers and theses, the scientific supervisors of which are leading specialists of enterprises, as well as technological and design and technological practices. A research laboratory is located on the premises of the branch, meetings of State commissions for the defense of theses and master's theses, passing state examinations in the specialty, specialization are also held.

The Department of MIRT has established close ties with leading enterprises of the Grodno region and the Republic of Belarus: JSC "Belvtorpolimer", JSC "Belcard", CHUP "Tsvetlit", JSC "BelTAPAZ", CJSC "Soligorsky Institute of Resource Conservation Problems with Pilot Production", etc. Cooperation with leading enterprises provides an opportunity for practice-oriented training of students of the specialty (conducting technological and design-technological practices, completing term papers and theses with the involvement of leading specialists of enterprises).

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Technical Operation of Cars

The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Technical Operation of Automobiles (MiTEA) was established in July 2008 and is a profile for the training of mechanical engineers in the specialty 1-37 01 06 "Technical operation of automobiles" (TEA). In addition, the department provides teaching of a number of disciplines for the specialty 1-36 01 04 "Equipment and technologies of highly efficient materials processing processes". In fact, the department has created an actively interacting block of "machine science and mechanical engineering" and a block of "technical operation of cars". The department is the base in providing educational and research processes on a complex of subjects of mechanical orientation for engineering specialties, as well as on a cycle of special disciplines, educational and production practices, course and diploma design in the specialty "Technical operation of cars".

Since September 2012, the department has opened a master's degree in the specialty 1-37 80 01 "Transport".

1 Doctor of Sciences, 10 candidates of Sciences, 6 masters in the specialty "Transport" are involved in ensuring the educational process at the department.


Department of Logistics and Management Methods

The Department of Logistics and Management Methods (LiMU) was established on June 1, 2011 and is a profile for training in the specialty "Transport Logistics (road transport)". The department provides training at the second stage of training in the specialty 1-26 81 04 "Management of logistics systems".

The department is the basic one in providing educational and research processes on a complex of logistics-oriented subjects.

Trains specialists qualified as an engineer-economist, logistician, who, having professional knowledge, ensure effective logistics activities of enterprises and organizations. The training program is aimed at helping future logistics specialists professionally solve a complex of complex professional tasks related to the rational organization of cargo turnover and cargo flow. Our specialists may hold various positions in enterprises and organizations in the future:

logistician; freight forwarder, transportation engineer (as well as deputy Director of logistics);

Head of Integrated Logistics Service;

head of the regional distribution center;

head of the terminal complex;

managing material flows (products);

retail chain manager;

integrated logistics manager;

Head of the procurement Department;

head of sales department;

Head of the Transport Department;

cargo transportation supervisor;

logistics planning analyst;

warehouse manager;

warehousing supervisor;

head of production organization;

supply manager; sales manager (sales);

distribution supervisor;

customs broker;

transport analyst;

and also work as both a logistician and an economist in subjects of various types of organizations and forms of ownership.

In 2011, the first set of students in the specialty "Transport logistics (road transport)" took place - 30 people who have the highest score at the Faculty of Innovative Technologies of Mechanical Engineering.

In 2012 and 2013, the admission score for our specialty was among the top three at the university.

Since 2014, a branch of the department has started its work on the basis of the IOOO "BELINTERLOGISTIK" enterprise, whose employees not only share practical work skills with students, but also actively participate in the educational process and the organization of practice.

In its activities, the department actively cooperates with the Association of International Automobile Carriers BAMAP, with the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the Belarusian National Technical University, the Tashkent Automobile and Road Institute, the Baltic State Academy of Fishing Fleet (Kaliningrad).

At the Department of Logistics and Management Methods, a training laboratory of CALS technologies has been created, located at 1a Kurchatov Str., room 605. Its creation is dictated by the need to have qualitatively developed and constantly improving electronic methodological materials. And the research work carried out at the faculty requires the availability and maintenance of computer equipment with the necessary software.

The educational laboratory of CALS Technologies is the material, technical and methodological basis of the educational process and is a specialized audience designed for joint activities of teachers and students, undergraduates, postgraduates in the study of disciplines related to computer programming, in accordance with educational standards, curricula and programs, as well as for advisory and technical work.
